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Pl2303 Usb-serial Drivers For Mac

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by sellsoltire1973 2020. 2. 8. 13:11


PL2303 Mac OS X 10.6 and Above Driver Installation Guide Prolific Technology Inc. - 8 of 10 - September 2, 2013 All information herein is subject to change without prior notice. Please be warned that counterfeit (fake) PL-2303HX (Chip Rev A) USB to Serial Controller ICs using Prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers,. This driver enables the functionality of Prolific PL2303 USB serial adapter in Mac OS X. This PL2303 chip is used in various devices like usb serial dongles and embedded USB bridges in cellphones, GPS receivers, etcetera.

About the App. App name: Prolific USB-Serial Cable driver. App description: pl2303 (App: Not Available). App website: Install the App. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key. Run in Terminal app: ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL /dev/null; brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask 2 /dev/null and press enter/return key.

If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish. Run: brew cask install pl2303 Done! You can now use Prolific USB-Serial Cable driver.

Fortunately, I had an IOGear GUC232A USB to serial host adapter in my kit. This thing is old. I originally got it for an IBM thinkpad I had back in 2003 or 2004. So, I wasn't holding out much hope on it working. In fact, I didn't know what type of device it was at first. Thankfully, the manufacturer affixed a label with a part number on the dongle.

With a little Google magic, I was in business. Or so I thought. There were several problems finding the right driver. To avoid boring readers to tears, here is a summary of what did not work:. The IOGear driver did not work.

Downloaded, installed, did some goofy editing and 'kext' loading (whatever the hell that is). Most forum threads pointed to Prolific's website ( That link does not work today (404 error). There are a few forum threads that point to the download area on Apple. Obviously, those threads are dated because that link didn't work either. Now, at this point I have spent an hour or two digging around and I am thinking I have old stuff that may need to be recycled.

I did a few more searches, focusing on software download sites and I found a link that worked. To be honest, I am not positive the following steps are required but all of the various resources I looked at, had the following procedures in common:. (optional?) Reload the machine. Most of the install docs I saw said reload the machine. The driver I used did not prompt me to do that so I didn't. All worked fine. So, up to you.

Pl2303 Usb-serial Drivers For Mac Download

Load a terminal shell (ApplicationsUtilitiesTerminal). Execute the following: sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext After completing the above steps, connect the dongle to an available USB port. When I connected the dongle, I received a prompt from OS X, which stated that a new Network Interface was detected. If you see this, click on 'Network Preferences'. NOTE: The Prolific install guide (I found it online) said that you should be able to see the USB serial interface using System Profile or from the terminal using: ls /dev/tty.usbserial. Neither of these methods worked for me, just an FYI. In Network Preferences, you should see the new network connection.

In my case I saw a modem driver named 'PL2303-'. I didn't bother modifying the configuration, just click on Apply. Terminal Application Configuration I use as a terminal application on my MBP and iMac. It is a great app, but that is a blog entry for another day. If you use Zoc, then here is the procedure for using the IOGear (or I suppose any device that uses the PL-2303 driver). In my case, I am connecting to a Cisco Video Communications Server (VCS) so, some of the configuration parameters I show in the following screenshots are specific to the VCS. Step 1: Create a New Connection Go to Host Directory in Zoc and click on New.

Step 2: Configure New Connection Give the connection a title, keep the 'Connect to' option blank, set the reconnect option to 'Plain connection (no retry if failed)', set the emulation to VT100, and set the Device to 'Serial/Modem'. This last option is what threw me for a little. I was trying 'Serial/Direct' but that never worked.

I decided to RTFM (go figure) and the FM pointed to using 'Serial/Modem' as the correct setting. It was right. Step 3: Configure Serial/Modem In the 'Edit Host Directory Entry' page, click on Configure. Next to the Device setting. This is where you can configure the COM port parameters that are specific to your device. The first thing to do is to select 'Override session profile defaults'.

This will expand the dialog and then you can modify the 'Com-Port'. On my system, it defaulted to a blue tooth device. This is not the correct device. Click on the Scan. Button and choose the PL2303 device. In my case: /dev/cu.PL2303-000013FD From there, configure the rest of the parameters to the specs supported by the equipment you are connecting to.

Anonymous I bought the prolific first. Got it running on a mac pro, partly. I could send text out using applescript, until I closed the port. I would reopen it, nothing happening. Only fix was to unplug/replug the usb cable. Switched to a macbook pro with current OS. Same problem, except when I unplugged the usb cable, osx went into a panic kernel fault requiring a reboot.

Repeatable problem. Bought the iogear next. Now I am realizing it is pretty much the same stuff.

Usb To Serial Mac

They have not updated the driver in 10 years and the docs are lame to non-existent. Anonymous I too was getting garbage characters untill I changed the baud rate on the serial adapter to 9600.

If you Google 'getting garbage characters when using cisco console cable' you will get return searches from Cisco's website say that most of the console ports on there routers and the console cables only support up to 9600 baud data rate.some newer routers goto 36000+ but they say you should set the default to 9600 first and go from there. The cisco directions are as follows: Introduction This document explains the correct settings to apply when you connect a PC to a router's console port. This document also details how to use the PC's Hyper Terminal to configure and monitor a router.


Prerequisites Requirements There are no specific requirements for this document. Components Used This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

The information presented in this document was created from devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration.

If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command before you use it. Conventions For more information on document conventions, refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions. Background When a console cable is connected from a PC's COM serial port to the router, a router prompt does not appear on the Hyper Terminal. Garbage characters appear on the Hyper Terminal, and the router no longer accepts keystrokes. It appears as if the router is hanging and is not responsive.

Solution The settings in the Hyper Terminal need to be set correctly; otherwise, 'strange-looking' or garbage characters may show up on the screen. When you set up the connection, use these settings: Bits per sec: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: none Stop bits: 1 Flow control: none Here is a screenshot of how to configure these settings on a Windows-based PC running Hyper Terminal: '.